Do It Yourself Herbal Supplements: The New Herbal Trend

A Guide to DIY Herbal Supplements plus Recipes

20% of the population uses herbal medicine and herbal supplements 40% of the population use alternative medicine therapies such as acupunctureThe natural supplement industry has been booming over the last 10 years. Supplement use has grown steadily at 8% since 2013 where it was already a healthy industry. This growth is from several factors, with supplement growth mostly due to increased public demand.The supplement industry is growing thanks to:Increased research of...

Finding the Best Health Products on the market!

As you know the internet is a big place! Search engines have gotten really, really big but WHY? Because the internet is too big to search yourself, it is too big to look at directories, it is too big to rely on many things! Because there are so many new sites and scammers out there, the search engines will sometimes not show you the best results, just the best results to their algorithm and that's okay! No matter how bad...