Naturally Clear Skin and Herbal Skin Detoxification

The skin, as many of us know, is the largest organ of the body, and yet it often is overlooked when considering detoxification.  Irritation, redness, itchiness, rashes and dryness are just some of the problems that may arise in the skin indicating that there may be a problem on the interior of the body. But attacking the problem from the interior is not the only solution; addressing the exterior of the body, and providing another route for toxins to leave...

Acupuncture’s Use in Treating Injuries

I talk alot about herbs and other ways to treat many things. For those that use herbs and other supplements to treat ailments should give acupuncture a try if they havn't already. Here is some acupuncture info from someone with some experience.Acupuncture has been applied successfully in today's medicine  in the West, so much that it is looking to be accepted by Medicare and Federal Workers Insurance plans. Also, the pentagon has started research on it for military workers due...