Herb of the Week-Learn Something New Weekly
I am now going to start writing this “Herb of the Week”. I thought this would be a nice change of some of the writing to specifically talk about an individual herb rather than just conditions and such with herbs that are used for it. I will be taking my own picture of the herbs and post them on here.
I use, on a regular basis, about 150 herbs or so because I deal with Chinese Herbs and Western Herbs. Besides the given categories I have other categories that I classify herbs into to remember them, its normally how I use them. If you keep updated on my blog you will see some interesting info about some herbs. I don’t plan on just giving the basic scholastic information on some common herbs, but I am going to discuss many of my favorite herbs with why I like them, what they do, and as mush interesting information as I can.
Since I am constantly learning new things from other people about how they use their herbs and what kind of effectiveness they have seen I plan on sharing these bits I learn about the herbs. I will try to keep these posts to write between Friday-Sunday.
As these will be open for comments even archived, I would invite any stories of usage or anything about the herb to be posted as a reply comment to that post. This will serve as a dedicated page that will continue to grow with many peoples usage and experiences with herbs that will benefit everyone and provide a little bit of entertainment at the same time.