Herbal treatments for vaginal (yeast/bacterial) infections, cysts, tumors, and fibroids

Females have the burden of bearing common infections that males do not such as yeast/vaginal/bacterial infections, vaginal fibroids/cysts/tumors, and are 10 times more prone to urinary tract infections. The secret here is that herbally basically all of these conditions can be treated similarly. The tough part is not choosing the herbs to use but making the formula yourself. Lets go over some herbs first before we get into application. Echinacea Purpurea – Great herb used for anti-bacterial purposes, pH balance, and inflammation...

Trauma, Contusion, Broken Bone and Bone Healing with Herbs

Today I am going to get into some trauma and first aid herbal application, something a bit tougher to find online. I am going to talk about 2 sets of herbs to use internally for trauma, contusions and bruising and then broken bones healing or partially torn ligaments/tendons. Trauma is a generic term to refer to direct or second hand damage to a part of the body. Contusions are basically bruises, so basically what we are covering is most injuries...