Herbs, Foods, and Tips for Optimum Liver Health

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. As the largest internal organ, it is no surprise that the liver plays many vital roles in the operation and maintenance of a healthy body.  The liver acts as the primary filtration organ in the body as well as producing a number of vital hormones, secretions, and blood components, which makes maintaining a healthy liver a top priority for anyone concerned about overall health.One of the easiest...

Tips for Increasing Lactation and Breastfeeding with Herbs and Diet

As any mother doing research knows, breastfeeding their children is an important and superior feeding method over formula. Formula continues to have lists of recalls, breastfeeding offers immunity to your child prior to them developing their own, breastfeeding has all natural nutrients for brain and body development, breastfeeding is obviously less expensive, near zero chance of allergic reactions or sensitivity to breastmilk opposed to different formulas. Seems easy enough, only problem is many woman are finding it difficult to...

Using Herbs for Faster Post Surgery Healing

Surgery is common not only as a medical emergency, but as an elective surgery in the case of plastic surgery. From a Western stand point surgery causes trauma to the body and then manipulations are made inside the body. Afterwards your body has to deal with removing anesthetics from the body and the trauma made to the body. In the case of many surgeries it is the incisions that need attention, but in the case of cosmetic surgery, like...

Trauma, Contusion, Broken Bone and Bone Healing with Herbs

Today I am going to get into some trauma and first aid herbal application, something a bit tougher to find online. I am going to talk about 2 sets of herbs to use internally for trauma, contusions and bruising and then broken bones healing or partially torn ligaments/tendons. Trauma is a generic term to refer to direct or second hand damage to a part of the body. Contusions are basically bruises, so basically what we are covering is most injuries...

Dang Gui, Dong Quai, Angelica Sinensis Herb of the Week

Dang Gui is an extremely powerful herb that is part of the Angelica family. Dang Gui is also known as Dong Quai, Tang Kuei, Dang Gwi, and sometimes Qin Gui. The latin name is Angelica Sinensis and is 1 of 3 major herbs used in the Angelica Family in Chinese Medicine. There really is no common name, it is known as Dang Gui but written in the West sometimes as Tang Kuei which is a 'translation' in Wade-Giles instead of...

Herbs for Sore Muscles, Soreness and some Herbal Remedies

It is without a doubt the most common ailment out there is soreness or pain somewhere in the body. The most common of this problem is probably going to be muscle pain. Let’s discuss herbal and home remedies for pain and soreness.The reason pain and soreness most of the time go hand in hand is because in herbal or Chinese medicine both are manifesting from the same problem, blockage! Whether you are talking about muscle pain, constricted muscle, pain...

Foods and Herbs for Increased Immunity and Health

Geri asks me: "Hi, I have been constantly sick for years, catching everything going. Immune system shot. Started Miso soup 3-5 days a week and didn't get sick for months. But, gained 15lbs. Dr. advised i stop it, and lost 6 pounds within a week. Would the miso have any benefit to me if i drank just 2 tablespoons a day instead of small bowl? Small amounts of vitamins and medications suit me, and am always told take the least of...

Appetite for Health? Here’s a Recipe-Congee

My favorite healthy food is Congee. Congee is basically a porridge made of white rice cooked over several hours. Dispite what you think or what you have read white rice is quite good for you. The important part of white rice in this recipe is to have a soup that is as easy to digest as possible. Many things can be added to the simple medium of congee, its like a casserole add anything you want to it. Here is the basic recipe:Add 2 cups...