Herbs, Foods, and Tips for Optimum Liver Health

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. As the largest internal organ, it is no surprise that the liver plays many vital roles in the operation and maintenance of a healthy body.  The liver acts as the primary filtration organ in the body as well as producing a number of vital hormones, secretions, and blood components, which makes maintaining a healthy liver a top priority for anyone concerned about overall health.One of the easiest...

Trauma, Contusion, Broken Bone and Bone Healing with Herbs

Today I am going to get into some trauma and first aid herbal application, something a bit tougher to find online. I am going to talk about 2 sets of herbs to use internally for trauma, contusions and bruising and then broken bones healing or partially torn ligaments/tendons. Trauma is a generic term to refer to direct or second hand damage to a part of the body. Contusions are basically bruises, so basically what we are covering is most injuries...