Using Herbs for Faster Post Surgery Healing

Surgery is common not only as a medical emergency, but as an elective surgery in the case of plastic surgery. From a Western stand point surgery causes trauma to the body and then manipulations are made inside the body. Afterwards your body has to deal with removing anesthetics from the body and the trauma made to the body. In the case of many surgeries it is the incisions that need attention, but in the case of cosmetic surgery, like...

Herbs for Back and Neck Pains

Pains are without a doubt the #1 complaint of all the patients seeking care. Unfortunately most pains are very difficult to treat in Western medicine. Most pains are treated with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) over the counter such as Asprins, Ibuprofen, or a similar drug of action Tylenol. More severe pains are treated with Opiates that are addictive, dangerous, have bad side-effects, and are almost completely unsuccessful at treating nerve related pain. NSAIDs have much less side-effects, but long term...

Trauma, Contusion, Broken Bone and Bone Healing with Herbs

Today I am going to get into some trauma and first aid herbal application, something a bit tougher to find online. I am going to talk about 2 sets of herbs to use internally for trauma, contusions and bruising and then broken bones healing or partially torn ligaments/tendons. Trauma is a generic term to refer to direct or second hand damage to a part of the body. Contusions are basically bruises, so basically what we are covering is most injuries...

Herb of the Week-Hong Hua, Safflower, Carthami Flos

Hong Hua is a very useful and definantly a common herb used in CHinese and Western Herbalism. This herb is also pretty common to most people as Safflower. Hong Hua translates to Red Flower in English from Chinese. Not quite as poetic as some of the other herbs, but as you can see it is very red even after it is dried and ready to use.Herbal Uses- Used to move (invigorate) blood flow.(more…)

Nosebleeds: Home Herbal Treatment

First-Aid is my forte so look forward to lots of tips like these. Nosebleeds can have many causes. Pregnant women often get random nosebleeds, a strike to the head will obviously cause a nosebleed, too much Vitamin A, and lots more. In any case, regardless how you got it, a nosebleed is quite an annoyance. Ive seen so many different nosebleed remedies around and honestly I haven't had enough nosebleeds to test them all. I stick with what I know,...