Herbs for Back and Neck Pains

Pains are without a doubt the #1 complaint of all the patients seeking care. Unfortunately most pains are very difficult to treat in Western medicine. Most pains are treated with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) over the counter such as Asprins, Ibuprofen, or a similar drug of action Tylenol. More severe pains are treated with Opiates that are addictive, dangerous, have bad side-effects, and are almost completely unsuccessful at treating nerve related pain. NSAIDs have much less side-effects, but long term...

Swedish Neck and Face Massage- Relax and Prevent Burnout

After we have completed the back of the body from our previous post: Swedish Back MassageWe will turn our partner over to deal with the head, neck, chest, arms and legs. Lets move on to the head and neck:The most natural order in which to massage the different parts of the head is first to do the face, starting at the top of the forehead and working systematically down to the chin; then to the ears; the neck; and...