Wayside ‘weeds’ with Wondorous Ways – Part II
Lets get to the next weed with some powerful effects. This is part 2 of this blog post Health, Fist Aid, and Detox Weeds Part I. This is also an extension of the article on weeds found here- 3 Weeds You Should Cultivate.
I want to talk about Chickweed today. A nice thing about these herbs I am talking about is they are really weeds. Chickweed even grows quite abundantly here in the desert of Las Vegas, Nevada. In fact chickweed can be found abundantly growing across the mountains and is recognized as an abundant vegetation here in Nevada. I would also like to point out that usually when herbs are discussed they must be dried properly to work. This is not the case for chickweed, the herb can effectively be used fresh as it can dried.
The first great property of chickweed is its anti-histamine ability. However, you do not want to apply too much OTC anti-histamine to your body as it can have lasting negative effects. This is not the case with chickweed, and it can be used as often as you like. I think you will find you will not need to much of it to be effective. The great properties of chickweed come from the Saponins that are found in it.
For most of chickweed’s uses an oil of chickweed is best and is more all-purpose. Here is how you make a small portion:
Grind up some chickweed
place it in a jar that has a lid
cover with olive oil
keep in a warm spot and shake twice daily
strain oil from herb and discard the herb
In large portions combine 4 ounces of herb to 1 pint oil.
This oil works wonders on rashes, itching, bites, stings, eczema, psoriasis, hives, seborea, and also on hemorrhoids.
Chickweed also has healing and drawing properties. So this oil is okay on open wounds and works great. Apply directly on sores, boils, ulcers, skin eruptions, cuts, bruises, wounds and abscesses. This helps your wound heal by itself and allows a soothing effect to be placed on the area so you wont feel the need to mess with it.
By pressing the herb to get a juice from it makes for a miracle treatment for dandruff and scalp problems. But Sean you don’t have dandruff. Exactly :)
Lastly you can just straight eat chickweed in a great abundance. It has a few vitamins and minerals in it and tastes pretty good. Chickweed taken as food can help with sore throats, lung mucous, and soothe an upset stomach. Chickweed also has an expanding effect on the stomach while it also has a mild diuretic and laxative effect on the body. This makes it great to help in losing weight! Internally chickweed can be taken when inflammation is present to help reduce inflammation from the inside. An outside and inside approach is always more desirable.