Do It Yourself Herbal Supplements: The New Herbal Trend

A Guide to DIY Herbal Supplements plus Recipes

20% of the population uses herbal medicine and herbal supplements 40% of the population use alternative medicine therapies such as acupunctureThe natural supplement industry has been booming over the last 10 years. Supplement use has grown steadily at 8% since 2013 where it was already a healthy industry. This growth is from several factors, with supplement growth mostly due to increased public demand.The supplement industry is growing thanks to:Increased research of...

Herbs for Osteoporosis: Naturally Building Stronger Bones by Increasing Calcium and Vitamin D Absorption

According to the U.S. Center for disease control, osteoporosis “affects approximately 10 million Americans and another 44 million have low bone density”. Osteoporosis means “porous bone” and causes our bones to become weak and prone to breaking as we age and lose bone mass. As we get older, our bodies become less efficient and less able to maintain certain functions, such as the generation of bone tissue. Bone mass decreases as we age at a rate of 10% to 14%...

All About Your Bones: How Bones Break Down and How to Build Them Back Up

Bone Health and Healing Your 2 Types of Bone Tissue

Breaking a bone can be a painful and traumatic event and the healing process can be long and arduous without ample care and nutrition. Before we talk about what happens inside our bodies when we break a bone we will first discuss the 2 types of bone tissue known as Cortical bone and Cancellous bone that make up our skeletal bones.Cortical Bone TissueCortical bone tissue, also known as compact bone, is...

Overview and Treatment of Tendonitis: Your Tender Tendons

If you are an athlete or an active adult chances are that you experience mild to moderate discomfort in your joints from time to time. It may be a sharp, painful sensation that only occurs when you move a joint or a dull ache that lasts for hours after an activity. So what do you do? You ice it, take an ibuprofen and take several days or weeks off from your favorite activity. Once you think the problem has fixed...

Tendons and Ligaments: Pulling it all Together

What Are Tendons & Ligaments? What Do They Do?

When it comes to the world of connective tissues, bones and muscles get all of the attention. They support and hold the body up, lift weights and perform feats of strength, protect our vital organs from damage, and let us participate in all sorts of other physical activities. However, when it comes to putting the body together Tendons and Ligaments are the tissues that keep us from falling apart.Tendons and Ligaments are...