Pearl Powder to the Rescue – Liver Spots Gone!

Liver spots are a tell-tale sign of ageing or over exposure to the sun. They often appear on parts of the body that are on show, such as hands, the face and shoulders and can make people feel self-conscious if they begin to appear.For some, it is often the first obvious sign of maturing skin and they may think that the damage is irreversible. There are, however, natural ways to lessen the effects and gain younger looking, even and smooth...

Deep Laceration- Home Remedy Fix!

So I surely don't condone one not going to the emergency room when needed! I have experience, but you can really see here that some herbs and an egg can go along way. This is intended for informational purposes, but realistically if you were cut badly on a camping trip or elsewhere, this could be quite helpful to you.I received a very nasty laceration to my pinkie finger when i was handling a glass and it broke in my hand...