The 1 Herb to Rule Them All

No reason to read this article because you already know the answer? However, my answer is not Ginseng, nor Echinacea. My herbal ruler can do many things and do them well. In fact, my herbal ruler has a very unusual property up its sleeve. Let me explain why my picks aren’t the popular Chinese Ginseng or the Western Echinacea herb which are widely considered the king herbs globally and are in demand that also carry a high price...

Light to Severe Burns and their Herbal Treatments

A first degree burn is basically a sun burn or any other irritation of the skin. Skin will appear red and will be sensitive to heat. A second degree burn is more severe and deals with blistering and puss in the area. The body at this point is trying to cool itself by sending liquid to the area (pus) to cool and protect the area. Third degree burns are even more sever and relate to a loss of skin at...

Deep Laceration- Home Remedy Fix!

So I surely don't condone one not going to the emergency room when needed! I have experience, but you can really see here that some herbs and an egg can go along way. This is intended for informational purposes, but realistically if you were cut badly on a camping trip or elsewhere, this could be quite helpful to you.I received a very nasty laceration to my pinkie finger when i was handling a glass and it broke in my hand...

Nosebleeds: Home Herbal Treatment

First-Aid is my forte so look forward to lots of tips like these. Nosebleeds can have many causes. Pregnant women often get random nosebleeds, a strike to the head will obviously cause a nosebleed, too much Vitamin A, and lots more. In any case, regardless how you got it, a nosebleed is quite an annoyance. Ive seen so many different nosebleed remedies around and honestly I haven't had enough nosebleeds to test them all. I stick with what I know,...

It taste bad but works: Valerian

Since I first started in Chinese herbs, before using any Western herbs, I never really gathered much information from sources many other people do: friends, media, publications. I was surprised to find how many people where familiar with Valerian. It appears that many people are familiar with Valerian because many people have problems going to sleep and staying asleep. Valerian is, to me and most people, a very nasty tasting and not so good smelling herb. For most people Valerian...