Using Herbs to Help Treat Fibroids

Here is our latest question! Gaye asks: Hi I have subserosal fibroids and they cause pelvic pain as well as backache. Is there any herbal remedy to stop the pain and reduce the size of fibroids? I have no kids and planning to have in the future. Well I should start by mentioning that those with fibroids should be under the care of a physician, however it is obviously your choice to treat them however you want and if you elect to not use...

Pearl Powder to the Rescue – Liver Spots Gone!

Liver spots are a tell-tale sign of ageing or over exposure to the sun. They often appear on parts of the body that are on show, such as hands, the face and shoulders and can make people feel self-conscious if they begin to appear.For some, it is often the first obvious sign of maturing skin and they may think that the damage is irreversible. There are, however, natural ways to lessen the effects and gain younger looking, even and smooth...

Herbs for Health, Vitality & Longevity

Its time to bring in the New Year and what better than to resolute Health, Long Life, and Vitality while steering free of colds and keeping your hair color!I have some herbs along with some preparations to achieve such goals this year! I have some Chinese Herbs and some Western Herbs for you to use, and I will try to give you some tips on some of the easier herbs to aquire (local health food stores).A New Year's Resolution for...

Airborne Herb List- Herbal Explanation, Formula Explained, and Comparison

As the popularity of Airborne increases more and more controversy surrounds the product as they gain customers. There is alot of controversy as to whether or not the formula works or not. I am going to go ahead and list out the herbs in the formula and explain their usage in this formula. Airborne has the following list of herbs:Loniceria / Jin Yin Hua / Honeysuckle Forsythia / Lian Qiao Jin Yin Hua and Forsythia are usually used together and have a common...

Foods and Herbs for Increased Immunity and Health

Geri asks me: "Hi, I have been constantly sick for years, catching everything going. Immune system shot. Started Miso soup 3-5 days a week and didn't get sick for months. But, gained 15lbs. Dr. advised i stop it, and lost 6 pounds within a week. Would the miso have any benefit to me if i drank just 2 tablespoons a day instead of small bowl? Small amounts of vitamins and medications suit me, and am always told take the least of...

Herbal Arthritis Joint Relief

Hana asks "I've problems with arthritis in my hands. What can help me because it is painful and I must do everything because I've take care of my husband that passed 3 strokes and hardly can walk. I'll be very obliged if You can suggest some herbs or something else."Arthritis can manifest in 2 ways, either with or without inflammation. In Chinese Medicine this is an obstruction syndrome called Bi Syndrome. This is characterized as, usually, wind/cold/damp invasion of the joints....

Herbs to Manage Menstrual Cramps, PMS, and PMDD

Jamika asks:Dear Sean- Can you advise an herb for really really really bad menstrual cramps?Yes I can. In the herbal world cramping is considered spasms. What you want to control cramping is naturally an anti-spasmodic. This would be similar to formulas that one would use for nervousness, shock, as well as cramping.To name 1 herb for this condition I would definitely go with one that is anti-spasmodic and has affinity for the Female Reproductive System. Black Haw is the most powerful single...

Herbs for Cough, Sore Throat, and Phlegm

Vanessa, 31 from Garner, NC asks me "what is a good herbal expectorant for phlegm? I am having allergic reactions to ?? I am not sure of. However, i seem to have alot of phlegm collecting in my lungs."Well Vanessa lets look at this. Phlegm is also called sputum and mucous. In Chinese Medicine phlegm does not really need to be a physical form coughed up from your lungs, but that is another discussion. Typically here is how phlegm develops....

Coffee Substitute with recipe

Shawn, 43, writes me "I have difficulty with the acid in coffee and have been searching for a substitute. I am also predisposed to diabetes. Dandelion interested me because of it affect on pancreas and liver function, but if it is used for constipation well...My question is... coffee drinkers tend to drink alot of coffee so, at what amount does dandelion coffee become harmful and how would it affect the bowel and other systems of the human body?"Coffee...