Herbal Arthritis Joint Relief

Hana asks "I've problems with arthritis in my hands. What can help me because it is painful and I must do everything because I've take care of my husband that passed 3 strokes and hardly can walk. I'll be very obliged if You can suggest some herbs or something else."Arthritis can manifest in 2 ways, either with or without inflammation. In Chinese Medicine this is an obstruction syndrome called Bi Syndrome. This is characterized as, usually, wind/cold/damp invasion of the joints....

Cancer- Herbs to go with your Western Treatments

When facing a serious situation such as cancer, patients are willing to do anything. People fly to Mexico for non-approved chemo treatments, fly to Europe for secret healing secrets, and see alternative health practitioners for anything from herbs to some type of crystal healing. This 'flight or fight' type personality that takes over cancer patients end up turning those looking upon the situation into skeptics and critics. Despite what many people think, Oriental Medicine is ran in a...