Herbal Arthritis Joint Relief

Hana asks "I've problems with arthritis in my hands. What can help me because it is painful and I must do everything because I've take care of my husband that passed 3 strokes and hardly can walk. I'll be very obliged if You can suggest some herbs or something else."Arthritis can manifest in 2 ways, either with or without inflammation. In Chinese Medicine this is an obstruction syndrome called Bi Syndrome. This is characterized as, usually, wind/cold/damp invasion of the joints....

Energy & Weight Maintenance Congee Recipe

I have gotten many emails about recipes for Congee and Kicharee. Although the generic recipes are posted here: https://www.dimmakherbs.com/recepies/food-for-life-and-health-kicharee , https://www.dimmakherbs.com/recepies/appetite-for-health-heres-a-recipe-congee . Many people don't want to figure out how to make recipes by adding in their own ingredients. Well, here is my favorite Congee recipe although I do make my Congee very similar to Kicharee. The difference to me is that I make congee with a little sweetness and dates/berries and Kicharee with vegetables and such.Ok here is a...

Lung Tonifying and Decongestion. Releif and Prevention

Lets talk a little about your lungs. Your lungs are much bigger than one thinks at least as far as surface area is concerned. I have seen it quoted that your lungs total surface area is about as big as a tennis court. The area that creates the largest part of the surface area gets down to 1 cell thick so that Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide can pass between them freely. This makes for a delicate area, and...

Appetite for Health? Here’s a Recipe-Congee

My favorite healthy food is Congee. Congee is basically a porridge made of white rice cooked over several hours. Dispite what you think or what you have read white rice is quite good for you. The important part of white rice in this recipe is to have a soup that is as easy to digest as possible. Many things can be added to the simple medium of congee, its like a casserole add anything you want to it. Here is the basic recipe:Add 2 cups...