The Benefits of a Whole Body Cleanse and Detox

In the fast-paced society that we live in, it can be extremely hard to eat well. Most of the food that resides on supermarket shelves is overly processed and extremely low in vitamins and nutrients; the whole point of eating is to ingest these vital nutrients. Add to that the use of synthetic chemicals in everything from breakfast cereal to pesticides on vegetables, and it is no wonder that people have health issues. We are what we eat and what...

Combining Cleanses and Diet for Health

If you really think about it, you would realize that the 'dawn' of health is not that old, say 10 years ago for most. It is really in the past 5 years I would say that health has become more of a main stream lifestyle. This means that for most of us we have gone through a period of time where we consumed a large amount of processed food, some longer than others depending on age.What research has found is...