Getting and Keeping Regular Health Bowel Movements

Having irregular bowel movements can be a sign of numerous health issues. Getting to the point where one is having regular bowel movements is one of the best forms of feedback one can get in determining that their diet and digestive tract are operating properly and efficiently. The body excretes what it consumes and a lot can be learned from irregularities in bowel movements. Additionally, in Chinese Medicine we often ask many questions about the stool as it is...

Detox and Cleanse your way to Feeling Great!

Tired, feel heavy and fatigued? Maybe its time that you gave your body a break. In many cultures across the world they practice fasting because it is a way to clear their body and their mind. This fasting doesn't really correlate really well to Chinese Medicine as food is very important to your body, however I see excellent results when people use proper detoxification and cleansing products. Because these products aid the body in getting rid of toxins they help...

Combining Cleanses and Diet for Health

If you really think about it, you would realize that the 'dawn' of health is not that old, say 10 years ago for most. It is really in the past 5 years I would say that health has become more of a main stream lifestyle. This means that for most of us we have gone through a period of time where we consumed a large amount of processed food, some longer than others depending on age.What research has found is...