Tips for Increasing Lactation and Breastfeeding with Herbs and Diet

As any mother doing research knows, breastfeeding their children is an important and superior feeding method over formula. Formula continues to have lists of recalls, breastfeeding offers immunity to your child prior to them developing their own, breastfeeding has all natural nutrients for brain and body development, breastfeeding is obviously less expensive, near zero chance of allergic reactions or sensitivity to breastmilk opposed to different formulas. Seems easy enough, only problem is many woman are finding it difficult to...

Herbs and Supplements to Quicken Weightloss Results

So lets start with the basics here. You have slowly gotten yourself off the bad food and into the good stuff and have picked up some exercise routine. Now with June already here you are looking to act fast for a bikini body by July. Well, there are defiantly some drastic things out there that I don't really recommend, but I do have some herbs and supplement suggestions for you.Fu Ling / Poria- This herb is actually a fungus type...

Combining Cleanses and Diet for Health

If you really think about it, you would realize that the 'dawn' of health is not that old, say 10 years ago for most. It is really in the past 5 years I would say that health has become more of a main stream lifestyle. This means that for most of us we have gone through a period of time where we consumed a large amount of processed food, some longer than others depending on age.What research has found is...

Green Tea, Benefits, Features and Antioxidant Power Explained!

There isn’t a lake of information on the web about green tea and I usually try to post about unique things. However, Green Tea comes up quite a bit and I just can’t help but to put more education about it up here. I am writing quite a bit about it in order to help you find what info you may need without needing to jump to very many sources to get what you need!Green Tea has long been...

Squashing the 8 Cups of Water a Day Myth

Ever hear that you need to drink 8 cups of water a day (64oz)? Of course you have! Working in the alternative medicine field I run into this alot. People and practitioners alike think they should be drinking gallons of water a day. This is an age old myth that got obscured from some factual information. This blog isn't the first post written to clear this information up, but I would like to see these facts more...

Diet and Weight Loss Tips, Tricks, and Help – Part 2 *Fiber Diet*

Let’s talk about home dieting. An easy and efficient way to help with weight loss and living healthy is to buy the right food. The good news here is that in many cases you can just modify the items you buy rather than buying something completely different. Some of this information may not be completely new to you, but I hope to get some awareness out there.Fiber- This is the key to dieting and let me tell you...

Diet and Weight Loss Tips, Tricks, and Help – Part 1

Welcome to the first of my 3 part series on Dieting and Weight. This topic is on dieting in itself. The next part will include an actual diet along with grocery help. The last part will help you out with easy exercises that are targeted at losing fat. Enjoy!   There seems to be a phenomenon that dieting must be followed by some type of celebrity or ‘scientific breakthrough’. I’m here to tell you this simply isn’t true. The same fundamentals that...

Food for Life and Health – Kicharee

I have a new recipe that I have been promising to get on here. You can find a few recipes online, but I will show you how I make it and what its about.I've talked before about Congee, a Chinese porridge that is made for the purpose of health and healing. Personally I like Congee for breakfast. The white rice porridge with Gou Qi Zi, Da Zao, some cinnamon and sweeten it up a bit. Add whatever you...

Holiday Weight Management

I'll spare you the false hopes of losing 30 pounds before Christmas. Ill let the magazine rack, that you no doubt have passed since November, tell you how to lose 25-30 pounds of weight in a month. Honestly I would like to see some healthy proof of these claims, but we will save the magazine bashing for another day. Instead I am going to give you some help on keeping up your metabolism and hopefully not...