Holiday Weight Management

I'll spare you the false hopes of losing 30 pounds before Christmas. Ill let the magazine rack, that you no doubt have passed since November, tell you how to lose 25-30 pounds of weight in a month. Honestly I would like to see some healthy proof of these claims, but we will save the magazine bashing for another day. Instead I am going to give you some help on keeping up your metabolism and hopefully not...

Hemorrhoids: the finale, Mine are Gone yours can too!

As promised, my follow up to the hemorrhoids I had, and the review on the products I used for hemorrhoids from Dimmak Herbs Herbal Supplements . The post can be found here:I am pleased to report I am pain free from my bottom and feel much better. What I ended up doing was alternating the bolus dosage as 2-1-2-1-2-1-1, this kept a strong strength of herbs flowing, but alternating the higher dosage and extra discomfort throughout the time period....