Probiotics or Prebiotics, the Great Digestion Debate.

As processed foods, pharmaceuticals and bad diet have clogged up our digestive tracts we have turned a blind eye to proper digestion. Our medical professions continue to increase the 'normal' bowel movement times now up to around 3 days. Well, many continue to debate that a bowel movement should be daily and digestion should be smooth, and I am one of them.First, lets talk about what is considered 'good' digestion. In Chinese Medicine we split digestion from bowel movement...

Foods and Herbs for Increased Immunity and Health

Geri asks me: "Hi, I have been constantly sick for years, catching everything going. Immune system shot. Started Miso soup 3-5 days a week and didn't get sick for months. But, gained 15lbs. Dr. advised i stop it, and lost 6 pounds within a week. Would the miso have any benefit to me if i drank just 2 tablespoons a day instead of small bowl? Small amounts of vitamins and medications suit me, and am always told take the least of...

This ‘Full Bar’ Thing, Are They Serious??? A Cheaper Way to Lose Weight

Have you seen the commercials on TV or seen on the web about these Full Bars? You eat this bar and Drink 8oz of water 30 minutes before you eat and you will eat less food and lose weight. Are you kidding me? This is the biggest joke since the pet rock!The logic has truth to it. By eating 3oz or so of natural food and a large glass of water and wait some time before you eat, you will eat...

Coffee Substitute with recipe

Shawn, 43, writes me "I have difficulty with the acid in coffee and have been searching for a substitute. I am also predisposed to diabetes. Dandelion interested me because of it affect on pancreas and liver function, but if it is used for constipation well...My question is... coffee drinkers tend to drink alot of coffee so, at what amount does dandelion coffee become harmful and how would it affect the bowel and other systems of the human body?"Coffee...

Holiday Weight Management

I'll spare you the false hopes of losing 30 pounds before Christmas. Ill let the magazine rack, that you no doubt have passed since November, tell you how to lose 25-30 pounds of weight in a month. Honestly I would like to see some healthy proof of these claims, but we will save the magazine bashing for another day. Instead I am going to give you some help on keeping up your metabolism and hopefully not...