How To Naturally Detox and Cleanse with Diet Exercise and Herbs

Detoxification involves diet or lifestyle changes that reduce the intake of toxins, while improving the elimination of them at the same time. The fundamental idea behind detoxification is to give your body some much needed rest and the time needed to eliminate the toxins that have built up over time. Some signs that you could benefit from a detox course include difficulty losing weight, skin problems, mental sluggishness, fatigue, or digestive issues.Toxins accumulate in the bloodstream from diet, stress, environmental...

Lung Tonifying and Decongestion. Releif and Prevention

Lets talk a little about your lungs. Your lungs are much bigger than one thinks at least as far as surface area is concerned. I have seen it quoted that your lungs total surface area is about as big as a tennis court. The area that creates the largest part of the surface area gets down to 1 cell thick so that Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide can pass between them freely. This makes for a delicate area, and...