How To Naturally Detox and Cleanse with Diet Exercise and Herbs

Detoxification involves diet or lifestyle changes that reduce the intake of toxins, while improving the elimination of them at the same time. The fundamental idea behind detoxification is to give your body some much needed rest and the time needed to eliminate the toxins that have built up over time. Some signs that you could benefit from a detox course include difficulty losing weight, skin problems, mental sluggishness, fatigue, or digestive issues.Toxins accumulate in the bloodstream from diet, stress, environmental...

Getting and Keeping Regular Health Bowel Movements

Having irregular bowel movements can be a sign of numerous health issues. Getting to the point where one is having regular bowel movements is one of the best forms of feedback one can get in determining that their diet and digestive tract are operating properly and efficiently. The body excretes what it consumes and a lot can be learned from irregularities in bowel movements. Additionally, in Chinese Medicine we often ask many questions about the stool as it is...