Easy Juice or Smoothie Drink to Lower High Blood Pressure

We have discussed previously on how high blood pressure and high cholesterol are in the top of the disease chart in the US and most of the world. 3 of the top 10 medications prescribed in the US are for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Granted, most people are fine taking 1-3 medications a day plus some more for possible side-effects, some people are looking for adjunctive ways to help reduce blood pressure. Similarly, you may be borderline...

Getting and Keeping Regular Health Bowel Movements

Having irregular bowel movements can be a sign of numerous health issues. Getting to the point where one is having regular bowel movements is one of the best forms of feedback one can get in determining that their diet and digestive tract are operating properly and efficiently. The body excretes what it consumes and a lot can be learned from irregularities in bowel movements. Additionally, in Chinese Medicine we often ask many questions about the stool as it is...

The Importance of Healthy Fats in Your Diet

There is a reason that proteins, carbohydrates AND fats are considered macromolecules because all three of them are essential to us. No fat and low fat diets rarely work because your body is acting against you.Because fats are essential if your body isn't getting any fat in the diet it starts to conserve the fat supplies it has in the body. Inevitably this is not going to lead to weight gain. Taking in a proper ratio and healthy fat...

Some Fats to Not be Cut Out of Your Diet – Omegas!

Omega Fatty Acids, or EFAs, are considered ‘good fats’ and are an essential part of a healthy diet. Whilst most people tend to think that all fats are unhealthy, Omega Fatty Acids have a variety of health benefits including helping the body process cholesterol and degenerating arteries of cholesterol, assisting the adrenal and thyroid glands, and regulating blood pressure therefore becoming quite essential!There are different varieties of Omega Fatty Acid, most notably Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 (carbon chains...

This ‘Full Bar’ Thing, Are They Serious??? A Cheaper Way to Lose Weight

Have you seen the commercials on TV or seen on the web about these Full Bars? You eat this bar and Drink 8oz of water 30 minutes before you eat and you will eat less food and lose weight. Are you kidding me? This is the biggest joke since the pet rock!The logic has truth to it. By eating 3oz or so of natural food and a large glass of water and wait some time before you eat, you will eat...

Diet and Weight Loss Tips, Tricks, and Help – Part 2 *Fiber Diet*

Let’s talk about home dieting. An easy and efficient way to help with weight loss and living healthy is to buy the right food. The good news here is that in many cases you can just modify the items you buy rather than buying something completely different. Some of this information may not be completely new to you, but I hope to get some awareness out there.Fiber- This is the key to dieting and let me tell you...