Essential Oils for use in Natural Remedies

Essential oils are quite popular these days for all types of ailments and usages. Essential oils are literally the 'essential' or 'volatile' oils found in many herbs. A large quantity of herbs are placed in a still and separate water form pure essential oils. The water is also used and Rose Water is a commonly used water from these extracts. It takes many pounds of herbs to get a few ounces of essential oils which makes for really concentrated oils.These...

Swedish Leg Massage-The Final Part of Your Circulatory Massage

FINALLY! We have made it to the final part of our circulatory massage, the leg. We started with Back Massage, went up to Neck and Face Massage, came back down to do the Chest and Stomach Massage, over to the Arm Massage, ended there with the Hand Massage and here we are to finish with the leg.Legs work all the time non-stop. Running, walking, and even standing require leg muscle...

Swedish Back Massage How To- Improve Health and Burnout Prevention

Part of being healthy is bringing your body back into balance anytime it becomes unbalanced. The most common example here is that we daily put our body into stress, which is okay and normal, we just need to bring it back to balance. Massage is just one way to do this. Massages relax the body, increase circulation, and helps your body adjust itself to balance anatomically, physiologically and of course even mentally!I know massages can be expensive, but if you...