This ‘Full Bar’ Thing, Are They Serious??? A Cheaper Way to Lose Weight

Have you seen the commercials on TV or seen on the web about these Full Bars? You eat this bar and Drink 8oz of water 30 minutes before you eat and you will eat less food and lose weight. Are you kidding me? This is the biggest joke since the pet rock!The logic has truth to it. By eating 3oz or so of natural food and a large glass of water and wait some time before you eat, you will eat...

Diet and Weight Loss Tips, Tricks, and Help – Part 2 *Fiber Diet*

Let’s talk about home dieting. An easy and efficient way to help with weight loss and living healthy is to buy the right food. The good news here is that in many cases you can just modify the items you buy rather than buying something completely different. Some of this information may not be completely new to you, but I hope to get some awareness out there.Fiber- This is the key to dieting and let me tell you...