Supplementing Follow Up- Some TV Humor

For those of you that happen to watch TV on Monday nights, there is a show on CBS called 'The Big Bang Theory'. Basically a couple 'geeks' live next door to a 'hot girl' and they hang out showing us the differences they two have.In yesterdays episode Sheldon, the double doctorate and masters degree holder having a job in theoretical physics, goes shopping with the girl next door. At the market Sheldon interrupts her buying a multi-vitamin. He tells her that...

Health, Detox, and First Aid ‘Weeds’ – Part I

I'm always writing even when I'm not posting some great  info for you guys. Ive decided I'm going to start filling in the gaps of my posting to talk about articles I have written.There are a few 'weeds' I'm gonna talk about in a few blog posts here. I'm talking REAL weeds. I live in Las Vegas where only casinos grow, but I literally have free access to these weeds. The full article can be found here: 

The World’s Soil Sucks, Get Minerals

Due to the recent comments made of a fellow webmaster at Doc1vitamins who sell vitamin supplements, I decided to talk about making sure your body has the vitamins and minerals that it needs. I admired that Doc wrote a blog stating a fact that if you aren't deficient in vitamins in your body taking them isn't going to do much for you. This is why I don't really condone a multi vitamin as you would be better off testing your body for what...

Want a Reason to Sprinkle Salt on your Food?

Salt has gotten a bad rep dating back from somewhere around the 50's when no food could go without a bunch of salt and pepper. Well, all of these guys turned out to have issues with blood pressure and cholesterol to name a few. Sodium is a VERY important part of a diet. It keeps homeostasis in your blood. Turns out your cells allow water to enter and exit them with the way its permeability is. This also requires no...