Is Fermented Cold Liver Oil (FCLO) a healthier alternative to fish oil supplements?

Everyone and their mother has heard about the benefits of fish oil supplements; omega-3 fatty acids are important to decrease inflammation among other things, and DHA/EPA are essential during pregnancy for brain development in the fetus. But, new studies are showing that isolated polyunsaturated fatty acid/omega-3 rich fish oil, may not be the best form to take this supplement. Fermented cod-liver oil (FCLO) is whole-food alternative to fish oil supplements. It is a cold-processed oil that is made from the livers...

Green Tea, Benefits, Features and Antioxidant Power Explained!

There isn’t a lake of information on the web about green tea and I usually try to post about unique things. However, Green Tea comes up quite a bit and I just can’t help but to put more education about it up here. I am writing quite a bit about it in order to help you find what info you may need without needing to jump to very many sources to get what you need!Green Tea has long been...

Supplementing Follow Up- Some TV Humor

For those of you that happen to watch TV on Monday nights, there is a show on CBS called 'The Big Bang Theory'. Basically a couple 'geeks' live next door to a 'hot girl' and they hang out showing us the differences they two have.In yesterdays episode Sheldon, the double doctorate and masters degree holder having a job in theoretical physics, goes shopping with the girl next door. At the market Sheldon interrupts her buying a multi-vitamin. He tells her that...

Coffee Substitute with recipe

Shawn, 43, writes me "I have difficulty with the acid in coffee and have been searching for a substitute. I am also predisposed to diabetes. Dandelion interested me because of it affect on pancreas and liver function, but if it is used for constipation well...My question is... coffee drinkers tend to drink alot of coffee so, at what amount does dandelion coffee become harmful and how would it affect the bowel and other systems of the human body?"Coffee...

Health, Detox, and First Aid ‘Weeds’ – Part I

I'm always writing even when I'm not posting some great  info for you guys. Ive decided I'm going to start filling in the gaps of my posting to talk about articles I have written.There are a few 'weeds' I'm gonna talk about in a few blog posts here. I'm talking REAL weeds. I live in Las Vegas where only casinos grow, but I literally have free access to these weeds. The full article can be found here: 

The World’s Soil Sucks, Get Minerals

Due to the recent comments made of a fellow webmaster at Doc1vitamins who sell vitamin supplements, I decided to talk about making sure your body has the vitamins and minerals that it needs. I admired that Doc wrote a blog stating a fact that if you aren't deficient in vitamins in your body taking them isn't going to do much for you. This is why I don't really condone a multi vitamin as you would be better off testing your body for what...