Various Herbs for Cancer Treatment & Management

Ancient China although didn’t know exactly as much as we know now about cancer they certainly understood some signs and symptoms including progressions of some cancers. Treatments back then included herbs and even with the advancements in biomedicine today, herbs are still utilized in the treatment, prevention and to manage the side-effects of cancer.Initially herbs were used solely on a pattern based prescription as they are normally including modern day practitioners. This means that herbs are given specifically to treat...

Easy Herbal Remedies for Kidney and Gall Bladder Stones

Kidney and Gall Bladder stones are typically types of calcifications formed in these ducts. When able to grow to a size larger than the excretion tubes intense pain can stem from scratching and spasming of the smooth muscle. Although almost nearly all of them are crystilizations most of the crystals are calcium based.Sounds simple, just lower your calcium intake? Wrong, no evidence seems to point to any indication of lower calcium intake leading to no stones, but on the contrary...

Vitamin and Mineral Seasoning made with Household Herbs and Spices

Most of the herbs used by a herbalist are not household herbs. In fact, 'spices' are herbs that are of quite different quality than the others herbs used to treat illnesses most of the time. So, I know that I talk about herbs that many people don't have around the house. Of course I always recommend the right herbs for the job and I am not here to give you 'home remedies' and tell you to take ginger for a...

Coffee Substitute with recipe

Shawn, 43, writes me "I have difficulty with the acid in coffee and have been searching for a substitute. I am also predisposed to diabetes. Dandelion interested me because of it affect on pancreas and liver function, but if it is used for constipation well...My question is... coffee drinkers tend to drink alot of coffee so, at what amount does dandelion coffee become harmful and how would it affect the bowel and other systems of the human body?"Coffee...

Health, Detox, and First Aid ‘Weeds’ – Part I

I'm always writing even when I'm not posting some great  info for you guys. Ive decided I'm going to start filling in the gaps of my posting to talk about articles I have written.There are a few 'weeds' I'm gonna talk about in a few blog posts here. I'm talking REAL weeds. I live in Las Vegas where only casinos grow, but I literally have free access to these weeds. The full article can be found here: