The Ultimate Kidney Tonic- Black Soup

Tired? Fatigued? Low libido? Low back pain? Weak knees? Wake up in the middle of the night? Recently weak after surgery?

These are just a few symptoms of weakened kidney function. In Chinese Medicine there are many more symptoms related to this and aging alone is one of the ways that kidneys weaken. There is alot to gain from supplementing your kidneys with a really good tonic including reversing the symptoms listed below.

May Food Be Your Medicine and Your Medicine...

Foods and Herbs for Increased Immunity and Health

Geri asks me: "Hi, I have been constantly sick for years, catching everything going. Immune system shot. Started Miso soup 3-5 days a week and didn't get sick for months. But, gained 15lbs. Dr. advised i stop it, and lost 6 pounds within a week. Would the miso have any benefit to me if i drank just 2 tablespoons a day instead of small bowl? Small amounts of vitamins and medications suit me, and am always told take the least of...