Various Herbs for Cancer Treatment & Management

Ancient China although didn’t know exactly as much as we know now about cancer they certainly understood some signs and symptoms including progressions of some cancers. Treatments back then included herbs and even with the advancements in biomedicine today, herbs are still utilized in the treatment, prevention and to manage the side-effects of cancer.Initially herbs were used solely on a pattern based prescription as they are normally including modern day practitioners. This means that herbs are given specifically to treat...

Tips for Increasing Lactation and Breastfeeding with Herbs and Diet

As any mother doing research knows, breastfeeding their children is an important and superior feeding method over formula. Formula continues to have lists of recalls, breastfeeding offers immunity to your child prior to them developing their own, breastfeeding has all natural nutrients for brain and body development, breastfeeding is obviously less expensive, near zero chance of allergic reactions or sensitivity to breastmilk opposed to different formulas. Seems easy enough, only problem is many woman are finding it difficult to...

Suan Zao Ren-Sour Jujube Seed-Ziziphus Semen-Herb of the Week

Sour Jujube Dates - Suan Zao Ren in Chinese Pin Yin and Ziziphus Spinosae Semen is the Latin/pharmaceutical name. The Jujube dates themselves are also used quite a bit and they are often used in food therapy because they taste great and go well in hot cereals, congee, and kicharee. The dates and the seeds that are used as herbs are not the same, the jujube seed we use is not the seed...

Herbs for Health, Vitality & Longevity

Its time to bring in the New Year and what better than to resolute Health, Long Life, and Vitality while steering free of colds and keeping your hair color!I have some herbs along with some preparations to achieve such goals this year! I have some Chinese Herbs and some Western Herbs for you to use, and I will try to give you some tips on some of the easier herbs to aquire (local health food stores).A New Year's Resolution for...

The Ultimate Kidney Tonic- Black Soup

Tired? Fatigued? Low libido? Low back pain? Weak knees? Wake up in the middle of the night? Recently weak after surgery?

These are just a few symptoms of weakened kidney function. In Chinese Medicine there are many more symptoms related to this and aging alone is one of the ways that kidneys weaken. There is alot to gain from supplementing your kidneys with a really good tonic including reversing the symptoms listed below.

May Food Be Your Medicine and Your Medicine...

Energy & Weight Maintenance Congee Recipe

I have gotten many emails about recipes for Congee and Kicharee. Although the generic recipes are posted here: , . Many people don't want to figure out how to make recipes by adding in their own ingredients. Well, here is my favorite Congee recipe although I do make my Congee very similar to Kicharee. The difference to me is that I make congee with a little sweetness and dates/berries and Kicharee with vegetables and such.Ok here is a...

Appetite for Health? Here’s a Recipe-Congee

My favorite healthy food is Congee. Congee is basically a porridge made of white rice cooked over several hours. Dispite what you think or what you have read white rice is quite good for you. The important part of white rice in this recipe is to have a soup that is as easy to digest as possible. Many things can be added to the simple medium of congee, its like a casserole add anything you want to it. Here is the basic recipe:Add 2 cups...